Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday-day and Shabbat

This morning, it was a beautiful day in Jerusalem.  We did not have to set an alarm and woke up leisurely but in time to have breakfast.  There was no set plan for this day and there were several options presented to the group.  However, I did not want to be committed to any group activities, and Marty and I decided to return to the Old City.  Today being Shabbat, the stores in the Jewish Quarter close at 1:00 p.m. and I was to pick up some jewelry I had made at a silversmith, Hadaya, before the holiday.  Also, I wanted to return to the Western Wall (Kotel) to express my gratitude for having been in Israel and for all the physical and spiritual sustenance I (we) received.  Of course, this has been an ongoing conversation with G-d since we arrived and will be even once we return.  This has been a very big and significant trip and the fact that we were able to do this is a blessing indeed.
I also wanted to go to the Kotel when there were not so many woman at the Wall so that I would have the opportunity to get up to it.  While I was standing there praying, I couldn't help but hear a young woman praying so softly but with such intent and joy in her voice.  
As I was leaving, I looked to see who I would give the (2) 5 shekels I carried for a charity donation.  Orthodox women sit inside the area of the Kotel and ask for charity, as is the custom here.  The money goes to taking care of the area and in some cases even to provide for their own families. I spotted two woman to whom I gave each  5 shekels.  The second, an older woman, called me back, took my hand and put a bracelet of red string and a Hamsah (for good luck and to ward off the evil eye) and blessed me.  I thanked her and wished her a Shabbat Shalom and she responded in kind.  I was very moved by this interaction and felt that it was a G-d moment.
After leaving the Kotel, Marty and I stopped at a coffee shop that we had visited before and had a couple of cappuccino's, sitting outside, watching women and children on their way home to get ready for Shabbat.  
We then walked back to the hotel.  After 5 days here, I have finally remembered and figured out the quickest way to get to the Kotel and Old City from the hotel as well as getting around the Old City.  I think that each time I come I remember more quickly and find that I can get around at least to those areas that I am looking for.
We returned in time for an afternoon study session.  After this, again options were presented to celebrate Shabbat.  I had initially intended to return to the Kotel, but decided that I would rather take a Shabbat rest and took a nap for a couple of hours.  It was good to get off my feet and to catch up on a little sleep.  Since we have been in Israel, Marty and I have been walking as well as hiking most days.  In Jerusalem, there is much walking to and from the Old City, in the Old City and much of this is up and down stone steps.  So now I hope we will be able to continue our walking/hiking when we return home (although I must say it is a bit easier when the weather is nice.)
After our rest, we met up with our group for dinner at the hotel.  It was nice catching up with some people that we had not seen over the past few days as everyone was doing their own thing in the evenings.  
We have one more day in Jerusalem.  Tonight, we organized our purchases and are starting to pack our bags.  While it is sad to leave, Marty and I are both ready to return home.  We met some wonderful people and have bonded well as a group during our time together.
Tomorrow we will return to the Old City with some of the group to pick up a few items in the Arab Shuk (which is open on Shabbat).  We will also visit the Kotel again.  Tomorrow night we have a fare well dinner and then members of the group begin to leave .  We will be leaving on Sunday at 7 a.m. taking a taxi with another couple to the airport for an 11:00 a.m. flight.
I will fill in when we return home with any last comments as well as photos.

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